Supersonic MINI COMPO
Portable AM/FM BOOM BOX Double Cassette Graphic
Equalizer AC/DC Stereo Music System
Model No: Super Sonic Boom Box
Special Price $ 250.00
E-mail us for pricing on
larger volumes A wonderful Supersonic Portable
Deluxe Integrated AM/FM Stereo Double
Cassette Player/Recorder BOOM BOX
with a built in Slide Control Five Band Graphic Equalizer.
This unit comes complete with dual cassette tape decks, soft
eject cassette door system, auto stop, tone control, separate woofers and tweeters for left and right channels,
Detachable Left and Right Speaker Enclosures,
Metal and Normal Tape Playing and Recording Capablity,
"Cue", "Review", and "Pause"
features, FM Stereo LED Indicator,
Mike Mixing with Slide Control, and much
much more. The Supersonic Breakapart - 22 Inches Wide x 9 1/2 Inches
Tall x 6 1/2 Inches Deep. Operates on 8 "D" cell batteries (not
included) or AC power cord included.. Very limited supply and subject to prior sale.
How to order:
Shipping & Handling charge on this item is $30.00 per unit. Texas residents please add 8.25% Texas Sales Tax. Send a
money order or cashier's check to:
Jack Berg Sales Company
P.O. Box 96
El Paso, Texas 79941-0096
We can ship UPS COD immediately for an additional $9.50 surcharge. We do accept
personal checks, but there is a 7 day delay in shipping to allow for clearance. If
you have any questions or to place a telephone order please call (915) 532-4519
9:00 - 5:00 MST M-F
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509 South Oregon Street, El Paso, TX 79901
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 96, El Paso, TX 79941-0096
(915) 532-4519 - Fax (915)532-4517
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