Vintage Battery
Operated Zoom Bike Model No: Zoom Bike
Special Price $40.00
E-mail us for pricing on
larger volumes
This Vintage Zoom Bike is operated with 3 "D" size batteries (not
included). This Zoom Bike is safe for all ages. It is remote control, it
moves, and it climbs. You can Rev it up, and this Zoom Bike comes with driver
also. Boys and girls will have a lot of fun playing with this Zoom
Bike. This Zoom Bike is perfect for the holiday season. This
collector's pieces are at least 15 years old and yet in BRAND NEW condition.
How to order:
Shipping & Handling charge on this item is
$5.00 per unit. Texas residents please add 8.25% Texas Sales Tax. Send a
money order or cashier's check to:
Jack Berg Sales Company
P.O. Box 96
El Paso, Texas 79941-0096
We can ship UPS COD immediately for an additional $9.50 surcharge. We do accept
personal checks, but there is a 7 day delay in shipping to allow for clearance. If
you have any questions or to place a telephone order please call (915) 532-4519
9:00 - 5:00 MST M-F
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509 South Oregon Street, El Paso, TX 79901
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 96, El Paso, TX 79941-0096
(915) 532-4519 - Fax (915)532-4517 tanny@epicenterelpaso.com
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